Celebrating our jubilees

Koninklijke Van der Most celibrates its jubilees

On Saturday December 16th, we once again took the opportunity to celibrate our jubilees as per company tradition. Henk Dezijn and Jaap Berends celebrated their 40-year anniversary and Diederik Haas, Erik Huiskamp and Rob van der Most celebrated their 25-year anniversary of working for Koninklijke Van der Most.

The evening was a grand success! For the third time in a row, the celebration took place at the old distribution centre on our grounds which had been refurbished for this particular purpose. The evening kicked off with a ceremony celebrating the jubilees, after which the DJ took to the stage and put on a dance party featuring hits from the 70s, 80s and 90s that lasted well into the night.

  • Photo: All of the jubilees and their partners