
The ClimateCalc CO2 calculator helps entrepreneurs in the graphics industry determine how they might be able to improve their CO2 footprint and what kinds of choices they can make to do so.

Last December, Koninklijke Van der Most was once again awarded a ClimateCalc certificate by the Certification Foundation for the Graphics Industry (SCGM in Dutch). Part of our philosophy of Corporate Social Responsibility is our striving towards CO2-neutral business operations, and this certificate proves that we are working towards this aim with everythign we have!

What is ClimateCalc?

ClimateCalc is a tool that provides insight into the CO2 emissions resulting from an organisation’s production activities. The relevant data is requested and entered into ClimateCalc each year, which then uses it to calculate the CO2 footprint of all activities involved in the production process. The programme defines several CO2 flows based on the operational data, staff data, paper usage data and transport data. This results in a CO2 footprint report, which allows us to obtain insight into our production’s CO2 emissions. The methodology is compiled into a standard which enables clients to objectively compare various companies within the graphics industry in terms of their CO2 emissions.

As we are a pioneering graphics service provider with a focus on Corporate Social Responsbility, we are very happy to have once again been awared the ClimateCalc certificate!